[81] Tenderly She Watches Me Burn

[81] Tenderly She Watches Me Burn

so tenderly i burn you watch me on the television a spectacle for you detached because the fire can't harm you but i showed you this trick before when you were busy getting mesmerised by others later you realised what it meant when it was too late to collect the ashes you wish i were [...]

[78] Defeat.

[78] Defeat.

Loneliness isn't limited to being alone. It transcends to a form where even though you are surrounded by everyone you want to be surrounded by, you still feel utterly alone. Loneliness is not the physical manifestations of people but the mental manifestation of us in their minds. If we are not in their minds when [...]

[76] The Wrong Decision.

[76] The Wrong Decision.

Heavy eyelids betray control of emotions unaccounted for. I say words that mean nothing because I speak and not write. Sounds vibrate my eardrums when she whispers loudly the three words I longed for. The longing is no longer there, though The words cut me like anxiety in disguise A modern world apocalypse it seems like to [...]